Call for Papers

In my career in IT I performed public speaking sessions in hundreds of different events: as community meetups, workshops, conferences, hackathons and webinars/webcasts. Here a list of my latest presentations. I am available to travel all around the workd (with few exceptions) to present contents I love. Please, contact me to open a discussion.

AI on a micro-controller?! Yes. We can! More or less.

We use to think AI only related to powerful super computer, highly performant GPU or ad hoc hardware. But what if we could run machine learning models on a microcontroller? Why?! Microcontrollers are important: they are small, low-powered computing devices that are often embedded within hardware that requires basic computation, including appliances for Internet of Things household. Billions of microcontrollers are manufactured and they are cheap. Let’s see how to bring intelligence to these devices.

TYPE: Talk or Lighting talk
LANGUAGE: English / Italian
TAGS: microcontroller, iot, tensorflow, ai, deep learning, machine learning, training models
LENGTH: 15 to 50 minutes
LEVEL: Technical / Intermidiate

Implementation of smart contracts for blockchain-based IoT applications

The promise for “Billions of Internet of Thing Devices” has been honoured. Now, the next frontier is to provide an additional framework to protect privacy increasing reliability in tracking data at the same time: can we verify trustiness of information, without loosing control over privacy? Let’s find out more about how to implement a decentralized application (DApp) based on
blockchain technology for sharing IoT
sensors’ data. Welcome to “Sensing-as-a-Service”
business model joining blockchain technology.

TYPE: Talk or Lighting talk
LANGUAGE: English / Italian
TAGS: iot, blockchain, smart contract, daap, sensing as a service, edge computing, cloud
LENGTH: 15 to 50 minutes
LEVEL: Technical / Intermidiate

Developer Economy: the rise of Low-Code phenomenon

Common practices as Continuous Development/Integration or Atomic Commits pushed companies to require shorter and faster cycles to deliver production orders: less time to allocate in new projects could correspond in eventual loss of sales revenue. Low-Code platforms were born to speed up development and delivery processes and to save time in replicating repetitive tasks. Let’s find out more about Low-Code platform and services: their value proposition, how they work, the rise of their success during the past five years and a prevision for future developer market. Followed by a case of study.

TYPE: Talk or Lighting talk
LANGUAGE: English / Italian
TAGS: developer economy, devrel, developer relations, developer marketing
LENGTH: 15 to 50 minutes
LEVEL: Non-Technical / Beginner

Deliver Data at Scale, at the Edge and in the Cloud

IoT revolution is ended. Thanks to hardware improvement, building an intelligent ecosystem is easier than never before for both startups and large-scale enterprises. The real challenge is now to connect, process, store and analyze data: in the cloud, but also, at the edge. We’ll give a quick look on frameworks that aggregate dispersed devices data into a single global optimized system allowing to improve operational efficiency, to predict maintenance, to track asset in real-time, to secure cloud-connected devices and much more.

TYPE: Talk or Lighting talk
TAGS: iot, cloud, scaling resources, security
LENGTH: 15 to 50 minutes
LEVEL: Non Technical / Inspirational

Data Delivery: at Scale, at the Edge e dritto nel Cloud

IoT non è più una rivoluzione, ormai è realtà. Grazie ad hardware sempre più performante, progettare un ecosistema intelligente non è mai stato così semplice sia per startup che per realtà più grandi. La reale sfida è ora quella di connettere, processare, immagazzinare ed analizzare i dati non più solo nel cloud, ma °at the edge°. In questa sessione, valuteremo framework hardware e software disponibili sul mercato per migliorare l’efficienza, diagnosticare preventivamente la manutenzione, etc… Senza dimenticarci del problema sicurezza!

TYPE: Talk or Lighting talk
TAGS: iot, cloud, scaling resources, security
LENGTH: 15 to 50 minutes
LEVEL: Non Technical / Inspirational